Friday 9 November 2012

Danger Club 1 - 4 by Landry Q Walker and Eric Jones

 I like Danger Club because it is violent.

Gleefully violent.

Punches are thrown and chunks of cheek are ripped off. Bright red blood sprays out across the page. Bones crunch. Heads are vaporised.

you got red on you...

The promise of graphic violence is what drew me to this comic, I'd seen a preview or a couple of unlettered panels or SOMETHING (or maybe I read something about it...) and I thought I'd check it out.

What I found delivered on the violence but it also had a great premise and an actual plot to back it all up. 

The set up is that some cosmic terror heading for Earth drew all the superheroes into space to confront it. Three months have passed and it's pretty clear they aren't coming back. Danger Club tells the story of the teen sidekicks that were left behind and what they have made of the world that is in crisis.

yeah there is a robot too!

I won't talk much about the plot as it is very clear that there is an intricate plot being woven here and you ought to experience that for yourselves. What I will say is Walker has taken great care to introduce us to these characters that he has already created a world and lore for. There is a sense that this series could be part of a larger, over arching continuity that went before. 

Each issue starts with a page rendered in a really neat Silver age style, this really adds to the feel that these characters have had adventures before, back when things were more innocent and there was less blood.

When I read Danger Club I get this weird nostalgia thing, like when I read series like Akira or Watchmen, like I know what's coming but I still get excited....I'm not saying Danger Club is predictable (it's anything but) I'm saying it hits those same beats, pulls the rug out from under you and throws you curveballs (then follows up the curveball with a tooth shattering blow to the face with a baseball bat)

allow me to explain about the glow knuckle dusters..

One of the best set pieces in Danger Club (and a great example of the above mentioned rug-pulling, 'fuck me that's awesome' moments) is when Kid Vigilante retrieves some glowing knuckle dusters from the moon in order to beat the living fuck out of Apollo, some sort of god sidekick. Just re-read that and let it sink in. Yeah...I know....FUCKING AWESOME!

Danger Club represents what comics should be about to me, action and gore collide with an perfectly paced story literally dripping with ideas and cool characters. 

What I picked up on a whim turned out to be one of my favourite comics of recent time, Image Comics pull another winner out of the bag. Between this, Prophet, Bulletproof Coffin, Manhattan Projects and Fatale Image has 2012 in the bag!

The trade of the first four issues came out last week, it's around £7 in print or £3.99's fucking ace pick it up or i'll retrieve a set of glowing knuckle dusters from the moon and punch your god damn jaw off.

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