Tuesday 17 July 2012

When Gotham is bricks, you have my permission to fly - Lego Batman 2

Let me start this with a proviso. I may not have the in-depth knowledge of comics as my fellow contributors, but I do fucking love them, including their many media spin offs. That’ll probably be my little ‘niche’ for the site, just babbling about comics that have been adapted into films and video entertainment games and the variable successes that brings.

Superhero 101: have a mean looking snarl/scowl

Of course I had to start with Batman. With the pants-wetting excitement leading up to the Dark Knight Rises (I heard a drill that sounded like the DERRRRR from the soundtrack, I almost had palpitations in the street) DC have joined up with Lego to bring out Lego Batman 2, DC Super Heroes. I have to admit, when I first heard about it I was somewhat skeptical. The first Lego Batman had been dull, with too much repetition, not enough ‘in jokes’ and too much repetition.


The first thing that you notice about Lego Batman 2 is the graphics. Now, that isn’t something you’d really expect to say about a Lego game, but stick with me. Gotham looks beautiful. From the imposing nature of Wayne Tower, to the creepy warped Arkham Asylum, you will spend hours running (or flying) around getting frustrated when you struggle to work out where you’re going – but more on that later.

*insert Nolan-esque DERRRRRR/BRAAAAAAHM here*

The plot is fun and engaging. Bruce Wayne has beaten President elect Lex Luthor in the ‘Man of the Year Awards’. Lex gets his tech out for the lads and joins up with the Joker and the gallery of rogues from Gotham to gain Presidency through illicit means. It’s your job to stop him…but in a child friendly manner.

for a Lego guy, Lex really does have some rocking cheekbones...

There are two things that are a first for any Lego release in this game. 1) Alongside the levels you can free-roam in Gotham 2) The Lego speak. I cannot emphasise how much the second point makes for a much MUCH more enjoyable game. Although they couldn’t secure the services of Kevin Connolly (the definitive Bat-voice) and Mark Hamill for the Joker, the fact that they say anything makes it a lot more fun from the outset. It leads to some of the best interplay moments between Batman and Superman, which is one of the true highlights of the game.

The World's Finest AKA Bro's for Life

Apart from those changes it is still very much a Lego release. You go round smashing everything in sight to collect the precious coins to use later in the game. Swapping between characters with different skills to complete challenges keeps it fresh and a big plus. In total there are 50 playable characters in this game. I had to look some of them up, as it starting getting a little ridiculous.

according to Wikipedia these guys are Green Justice and Captain Fasto...

As the story goes on, more characters are introduced. Playing as Superman is FUN. I’m not a massive S-MAN fan per-se, but being able to fly around the levels, burning things with heat vision and being indestructible is a little different from stuck-on-the-ground Batman. I even text Tweed after a level to find out what was the best Superman comic to buy as I was so won over.

FYI All Star Suparman is the best one...NO ARGUEMENTS

The main problem is…the main storyline is too short. Just as I feel it’s getting going with different possibilities it finishes. Then you return to the old Lego staple, repeating the levels with your new unlocked characters to collect coins and unlockable trophies. It’s too soon to become repetitive, and although you can now free-roam, I also became a bit blasé and soon the soundtrack (taken from the respective films – apart from Green Lantern…which sucked) becomes less spine tingling. I hate myself for saying that. Sorry Johnny Williams.


There is one area where Lego Batman 2 has a leg-up over other Batman games: the ability to travel around Gotham in your Bat-vehicle of choice. I admit to becoming a little excited when I first realised this, even making my girlfriend stop what she was doing so she could watch me drive the Batmobile around the mean streets of Gotham. I am sure that confirmed to her what a catch I was.

'It's the car, chicks dig the car....'

This is never going to be the same level as your Arkham series, but it does a mighty fine job of making a version that is applicable for the younger generation, whilst still making it engaging for a seasoned old-time gamer. I will go back and try to unlock all the characters, but my light for the game has already faded a little. 7/10.

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