Saturday 10 March 2012

Jean Giraud aka Moëbius R.I.P

It is with a genuinely heavy heart that I type this blog out today.

I was on my way home from the comic shop when I found out that legendary comics illustrator Jean Giruad aka Moëbius had passed away.

Moëbius was a gifted man. Scarily gifted. His pencils crammed so much detail into every panel he drew yet at the same time could convey so much with so little. Also no one could draw a straight line like Moëbius.

none of these picture can do justice to seeing Moëbius' work with your eyes...
I have felt like Moëbius has been a part of my life forever. He produced concept art for Tron:

He also produced concept art for Alien (alongside H.R Giger):

And he was also responsible for concept art for The Fifth Element:

Moëbius also produced some of the greatest comics I have ever read. I suppose chief amongst the comics I have read that Moëbius has worked on is The Incal, his collaboration with Alejandro Jodorowsky. Mind-blowing barely covers it, it is a defining work in the medium of comics (or if we are getting all scholarly; sequential art), observe:

just drink in those lines

not many artist can convey scale like Moëbius

staggering, just staggering...

The Incal is so much more than a comic, for me it feels like a stroll around the minds of Moëbius and Jodorowsky. It is at times it is funny, hilarious even. Other times it is deeply philosophical and psychedelic. Go here and pick it up. If you have even a passing interest in comics as a medium you owe it to yourself to read it, it changed the inner workings of my brain so much that 'normal' superhero comics don't seem as interesting or fun anymore, not now I know that i can pick up The Incal and immerse myself in Moëbius' beautiful line-work. 

Moëbius has been written about a lot on the internet, you can find blogs dedicated to his work, most of which is not even available in English. The Quenched Conciousness blog features tons and tons of illustrations and sketches and is well worth immersing yourself in, there are some very fine examples of Moëbius' erotic work there:

I'm going to finish with a quote from my good friend Tom:

'Moëbius by his very nature is infinite. Long live Moëbius'

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