Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Avengers second trailer is THE BEST FUCKING THING I'VE EVER SEEN!

So,whilst I was at work today a new trailer for Marvel's The Avengers was birthed onto the intertubes, all shiny and warm and new! 

I watched it when I got in and quite honestly nearly CLIMAXED!! It was THAT good!

my face basically looked like this...
The Avengers mean a lot to me as a self proclaimed Master Nerd. When I was a wee boy and I discovered that there were cartoons and comics written about the action figures that I bought from carboot sales (who's heads I had subsequently chewed) I was lost my mind! I loved it! Spider-Man and the Avengers were my first true exposure to the wonderful, kooky world of COMICS!

To this day, if you were to show me a picture of Iron-Man, Captain America, Thor and Hulk standing near each other I would grin like a fool and most likely salute. So yeah, short version: I love the Avengers.

So have a look at this:

Ok, I'll give you a minute to change your underpants and 'freshen up' like I had to .

Right, I'm not gonna pick the trailer apart or try and analyse who the bad guys are ( a debate that is currently setting the internet alight!) i'm just going to gush about why it's SO BADASS!

Badass enough for ya?!?!??

The trailer opens with the whole 'war has started...and we are hoplessly out-gunned' vibe. Buildings explode, debris falls from the sky and civilians get smooshed. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury was never not going to be an absolutely amazing idea! Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch's The Ultimates updated the Avengers and essentially had Jacksons likeness as Nick Fury and it worked so so so so so well. So kudos for translating that to the big screen because Sam Jackson is AWESOME!

would you fuck with this guy?
What Samuel L Jackson does next is recruit a recently thawed out WW2 super soldier, a nerdy doctor who turns into a huge green rage monster, a God and a playboy millionaire in a flying robotic suit to kick all amounts of ass!  We get our first decent looks at the Hulk in this trailer and he is looking very bug, very green and very angry! In fact two of my favourite bits of the trailer feature Hulk (one of which is Hulk grabbing Iron Man mid fall and scraping down the side of a sky scraper to slow his fall.....AMAZING!)

The trailer also introduces an interesting aspect of the film, The Avengers do not appear to be getting on tremendously well. There are a few more scenes of Cap, Thor and Iron Man scrapping, Hulk chasing Scarlett Johansen down a corridor full of windows or something and lots of arguing. As a nerd this is very exciting to me, purely because its superheroes, THESE superheroes, having a fight and it will look cool!

'come here, you little scamp!'
The trailer ends with a great shot of The Avengers all standing look hard as nails and then two really cool Iron Man scenes. Its fucking amazing. I still can't get over how awesome this film looks. Marvel have done an amazing job so far and this is looking great. Loki is awesome in the trailer too, he comes across really unhinged and crazy. Seriously, I could go on for hours but ill just stop. 


Its out in May and I reckon I might go and watch it.....

you'll recognise me by my winning smile 

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