Thursday 12 January 2012

Sacrifice #1 by Sam Humphries and Dalton Rose

Firstly apologies for the lack of 'action' on this blog. Real life, as always, gets in the way. 

However i'm back on track now and some sort of regular posting should now resume.


So, the first review/discussion/rant/whatever of the new year is:

SACRIFICE #1 by Sam Humphries and Dalton Rose

do what he says he has a maquahuitl!!!!

You may remember Humphries name from my bit on his awesome OUR LOVE IS REAL, one of my favourite comics of last year (up there with the reprint of The Incal) and one of the more intriguing and original things i've read in a good while.

Sacrifice is a new self-published, six part series that is well worth your attention (the first issue came out in Dec). 

Hector has just self discharged from a psychiatric ward and been taken for tacos by his friend Violet. Hector has been dodging his medication and as a result experiences some sort of psychedelic seizure/acid trip and ends up confronted by a bunch of Aztec warriors. At first they wish to sacrifice him as an offering to their gods but upon seeing his Aztec tattoo decide to take Hector to their emperor.  


We learn of Hector's past through flashback panels brought to us via Dalton Rose's beautifully psychedelic spreads and sparse, clean panels. Humphries tells us that Hector is epileptic and is struggling to fit in and as a child was very interested in Aztec culture.

There is a beautiful sequence where a young Hector and his father are talking about the demise of the Aztecs at the hands of the Spanish:

'When the Spanish came, there was a war, and they killed all the Aztecs'
'Sometimes people believe they're doing the right thing, even when it's wrong'

It will be interesting to see how this exchange resonates throughout the rest of the series. Does it apply to Hector's parents and the way they dealt with Hector's epilepsy? Will it reflect the particular period of time Hector has ended up in? Does it refer to Hector dodging his meds leading to his psychedelic time travel?

behold, multiple variant covers and a Joy Division reference. I'm sold.

 I've read and re-read this first issue a few times now and I keep noticing things I didn't notice before, this is the sign of a good comic in my view. 

I also love how Hector is a Joy Division fan and I got a kick out of the little 'easter-eggs' I spotted.

Bizarre Love Triangle by New Order being pumped on the tape deck....nice touch (awesome song too)

This, like OUR LOVE IS REAL, is one of the best things I have read in ages. Refreshing and interesting and FUN! 

There is enough mystery in Sacrifice to hook me but also enough happening within the individual issue to entertain......suddenly Avengers V X-Men seems even more mundane. More power to Humphries and Rose, they are creating something original and fucking awesome......

Sacrifice is available online digitally and as a traditional paper and staples affair.
All the links you need are here:

I emplore you to check it out if you are reading this its all kind of rad. 

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